The UN Millennium Development Goals

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The following essay will be based on the evaluation surrounding the movement of the UN Millennium Developmental Goals (MDG) in its aims to end poverty internationally.
The world leaders explained their intentions to “spare no effort to free our fellow men, women and children from the abject and dehumanizing conditions of extreme poverty” according to Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon (The Millennium Development Goals Report, 2015).
For the simplicity of this essay, extreme poverty as mentioned above can be defined by the World Bank as the average daily consumption of $1.25US or less and means living on the edge of subsistence (Data, 2010). By this definition the Millennium Development Goals have been created in hopes to halve this poverty by …show more content…

The criticism stems from the questionable free market reform polices. The World Bank advocates that these concepts are often harmful to economic development if implemented poorly (Kovach, 2006). A point that should be outlined focusing on trade is how the World Bank and IMF implement pressure on poor countries to pursue industrialisation and neo-liberal strategies. The interest seems to be put towards wealthy nations as they reap the rewards from a system created to suit and reflect their interests and ideologies. Rather then working with the countries struggling with poverty through acknowledgement of culture and surrounding pre-existing systems. These frameworks uncover the underlying structural disadvantages countries such as sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia are facing. A common example of wealthy nations profiting off of industrialism is when trades are outsources to poorer countries due to cheaper …show more content…

The evidence-based decision-making variable provides national efforts of governments to effectively focus their development policies, programmes and interventions. The results of subnational monitoring naturally increase motivation, increase accountability and create achievable results. This can be seen is the program, it can be proudly noted its great success in its progress fighting against HIV/AIDs, especially in Sub-Sahara Africa and a dramatic 53% reduction in child mortality since the making of the MDGs (Hosseinpoor,

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