Abusive Relationship Essay

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There are two types of abuse. Google’s definitions of abuse is the cruel, violent treatment of someone or something, or the improper use of something. There’s always a result after one has been abused. Abuse is either done physically and/or emotionally. To me, abuse is overusing something in a wrong way or treating someone or something horribly.
Abuse can is be found in relationships. There are five kinds of abusive relationships; physical, verbal, emotional, academic, and sexual abuse. With physical abuse, the abuser violently attacks their partner with their fists. Verbal abuse is the use of cruel, spiteful words. Emotional abuse consist of verbal insults and repeated incidents such as, threats, aggressive demands, manipulation, and blaming. …show more content…

The hardest part of the abusive relationship is leaving. I have my own experience with abusive relationships. The kind I had was an emotional and verbal abusive relationship. As I was researching the facts of an abusive relationship, it was as if I was reliving the days I was with my ex boyfriend. All the signs pointed that he was abusive but I couldn’t seem to leave him. I thought it was love, therefore I stayed with him for three years. After those three years of an abusive relationship, it was hard shifting back to my free, happy life. I was diagnosed with anxiety and depression, I even tried to commit suicide a couple of times. Although, as of today, I am seeking help for my mental …show more content…

Within abusive relationships, there are five kinds; physical, verbal, emotional, academic, and sexual abuse. It can also change someone mentally, such as traumatic stress, anxiety, and depression. Abuse is also found in drugs and power. People will abuse their bodies with drugs and continue to take it obsessively. Power is sometimes mistakenly used by powerful rulers such as Lords, Popes, and Kings. Overall, abuse is found in relationships, drugs, and

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