Persuasive Essay On Breast Cancer

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Breast cancer is one type of cancer that has been in my family. One of my family members that had it, is dear and close to my heart. She fought for the longest time to keep getting better through all the chemo and the radiation that she went through to get rid of the cancer. She fought and fought, but she received treatments and was getting better for a while. When she was going through the treatments, if I or anyone in my family were sick and wanted to go see her, we had to wear a mask, so that we would not get her sick. We had to wear the masks because her immune system was not where it was before and could not fight off an illness as fast as it was once able to. She was getting back to her normal self and doing more for a while. Then she just became …show more content…

They have three types of ways to do the surgery depending on how bad that the cancer is. There is three types of procedures that could happen, a total or simple mastectomy, a modified radical mastectomy, or a radical mastectomy (Mastectomy). The majority of people only think of women having breast cancer, but men can get it too. When they get it, they would usually get the modified radical mastectomy (Mastectomy). A mastectomy is done to a person to remove as much as the cancer as they can and give them a greater chance of living (Mastectomy).
There is a risk for every procedure. Some complications that could happen includes infections, poor healing of the wound, bleeding, and even a reaction to the anesthesia that is used
Dempsey 4 in surgery. Also, there may be blood or clear fluid that collects in the wound and needs to be drained (Mastectomy). There is also a chance of getting lymphedema which is swelling of your arm, if you get lymph nodes removed from your arm

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