The Pros And Cons Of Autocratic Leadership

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After doing my review I find that the top down planning model you have implemented is now ineffective. With today’s technology rapidly changing the autocratic leadership process is unproductive when it comes to achieving your goals. You have created what is referred to as a “bottle neck”, Information is not efficiently getting passed to the top, which can give the impression your leaders lack knowledge with the decisions they make. With your senior executive members making all the important decisions you are limiting the insight and creativity within the organization. Your executive team now lacks the ability to foresee problems, restricting the clear vision needed to effectively implement change. It looks to me there needs to be a structure …show more content…

Today’s technology is changing at a rapid rate and When your employees feel like they 're part of the plan they tend to adapt easier to change. You will now be able to utilize the knowledge provided, allowing you to make the necessary changes needed as a whole team. When all levels of employees become aware they can voice their opinion, this allows them to make real time decisions permitting executive levels to gain trust in their abilities. Collective decision making allows the whole team to collaborate in a creative direction as needed to stay relevant in the ever-changing …show more content…

Repelling change is a natural response when it comes to a new process of doing things. “Why do people resist change? The main reasons include uncertainty, habit, concern over personal loss, and the belief that the change is not in the organization’s best interest.” (Robbins, Coulter, 2016). Giving that your new management process involves granting lower level employees the power to voice their opinion, I see the majority of resistance coming from the executive and management staff. The ones who held any power may feel as if their “boss” status has been removed. Others may push back, feeling like what they were doing worked. In order for this process to work efficiently you will need to address these resistance issues accordingly. Here are some techniques that may be valuable for reducing resistance due to internal organizational change. Education and communication can help by providing a clear reason why the change makes sense. You also may need to apply the negotiation technique when the resistors come from a higher

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