Gay Friendly Countries: The Top 10 Most Gay Friendly Countries

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The Top 10 most Gay Friendly Countries Across the globe, society is changing. Countries worldwide are adapting their laws to recognize the inherent rights of homosexual citizens. Attitudes of homosexuality as taboo are being altered as a tide of goodwill takes the globe by storm. To date, Spain and the Netherlands are the most gay friendly countries in the world. In a new Gallup poll study, residents of both EU nations were asked if their country was a good place for gay and lesbian citizens, and the vast majority of residents in both instances responded with a resounding yes. Although, worldwide trends point toward an increasing acceptance of homosexuality, there are still certain countries that hold restrictive laws that limit the rights of LGBT individuals. However, the countries that advocate strongly for LGBT rights are at times a surprise to many as well. In our list of the most gay friendly countries some of the more conservative countries may come as a shock to readers. It just goes to show, the times are changing and societies are adjusting in turn. 1 – Exotic Spain Welcomes You! Spain is one of the most welcome …show more content…

Belgium leads the charge on LGBT friendliness with 82 percent of its population in agreement that the small European nation is a wonderful place for gay and lesbian residents. In 2003, Belgium was the second country to legalize same-sex marriage, and in 2006 the Belgian Parliament voted to gran homosexual couples the right to adopt children. Additionally, Belgium is known for its fantastic International gay parties like La Démence. If Belgium is on your interariary, make it a point to visit Brussels and experience the city 's gay festivals and nightlife. Visitors to Belgium in the spring should make it a point to be present for Belgian Pride Week. During the country-wide pride event, entertainment, events, and entertainment is all themed to celebrate LGBT

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