The Three Punic Wars

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All through history nations have been torn by wars. Some of the most well-known of these wars were the three Punic Wars fought between Rome and Carthage from 264 B.C. to 146 B.C. Perhaps the most decisive battle during this time was the battle at Zama, which concluded the second Punic War in Rome’s favor.
The battle between the Roman general Scipio and the Carthaginian general Hannibal was fought in the year 202 B.C. near the town of Zama, which is about 80 miles west of Carthage itself. This battle was very important in the history of Rome and the world. Carthage was fighting for her very existence, while Rome was fighting for a world empire. The victor of this battle would not only be in control of Africa and Europe, but would then be poised
Directly behind them he placed the principes, or infantry. Under normal conditions the Roman formation had the principes not directly behind the hastati, but in a checkerboard formation. Scipio rearranged his men in columns this way to allow the enemy’s elephants to pass through the ranks. In the rear rank, Scipio placed the triarii. The triarii are also infantry, but differ from the principes in the type of spear they carry. The gaps between the hastati were filled with velites. Velites were the youngest and the most simply clad infantry. These men were to start the battle. If the elephants were to force them back, they were to escape down the lanes between the formations, or to the sides of the lanes in the spaces between the lines of infantry. On both wings, Scipio had stationed his cavalry.
On the Carthaginian side of the battlefield, Hannibal had his army in formation. In front of his whole army he placed his elephants, of which he had over eighty. Next came the mercenaries. These consisted of Ligurians, Celts, Balearians, and Mauretanians. In the next line he placed the native Libyans and Carthaginians. At a distance of about 200 yards, Hannibal placed his veteran Carthaginian infantry. Hannibal, like Scipio, had his wings protected by cavalry. With their armies organized in this way, the two armies

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