The Three Causes Of Homelessness

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There are numerous of things that are impossible to believe about people who are in poverty or homeless. Almost a quarter of all individuals do not have electricity. Not many people imagine living on less than ten dollars a day, but eighty percent of people actually does. (Eleven facts about global). Think that is bad? Actually, “one half of the worlds population—more than three billion people — live on less than 2 dollars and fifty cents a day. More than one billion and three hundred million live in extreme poverty— less than a dollar and twenty five cents a day” (Eleven facts about global). A lot of people in the world complain about how much they make but actually they should be proud because over half of the world live off a few dollars …show more content…

So what is homelessness? Does anybody know the accurate meaning of homelessness anymore? Homelessness is defined as a person who “lacks a fixed, regular and adequate night-times residence” (“Facts”). “Homelessness is a temporary condition that people fall into when they cannot afford to pay for a place to live, or when their current home is unsafe or unstable” (“Homelessness defined”). Many determine that people choose or want to be homeless. There are infinite of reason why people become homeless (Bolster). There are three types of homelessness in which people do not know about such as chronic, transitional and episodic. Chronic homelessness are mainly old people and are considered “hard-core unemployed.” They are likely to be entrenched in shelter systems and are more like long term housing instead of an emergency arrangement (“Homelessness in”). Transitional homelessness are traditionally only for one stay or short time. They are typically younger. Episodic homeless people frequently go in and out of homelessness. They usually experience medical, mental health and substance abuse problems or are chronically unemployed (“Homelessness in”). Twenty three percent of homeless people are described as chronically homeless which is a homeless individual with a disabling condition who had been either continually homeless for a year or longer or have had at least four occasions of homelessness in the past three years (“Facts”). This …show more content…

For families, the three most common causes are lack of affordable housing, unemployment and poverty. For single individuals, the three common causes are substance abuse, lack of affordable housing and mental illness (“facts”). “Thirty eight percent report alcohol use problems. Twenty six percent report other drug use problems. Thirty nine percent report some form of mental health problems. Sixty six percent report either substance use and/or mental health problems. Three percent report having HIV/AIDS. Twenty six percent report acute health problems other than HIV/AIDS such as tuberculosis, pneumonia, or sexual transmitted disease. Forty six percent report chronic health conditions such as high blood pressure, diabetes or cancer” (“Facts”). About one billion and one hundred million people in developing countries have insignificant access to water. Two billion and six hundred million lack fundamental sanitation. About two in three people lacking access to clean water have to survive on less than two dollars a day. One in three live on less than a dollar a day (Snah). This shows there are different causes and people experience problems in their lives. Any one of us can become homeless in a matter of seconds because “one bad circumstance or series of unlucky or unfortunate events can lead to homelessness” (Bolster). Four to five times as many people experience homelessness in one year than in one day. Eight hundred thousand is a lot of

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