The Three Biggest Contributors to American History in the 19th Century

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The 19th Century was a period of great advancements in technology, science, culture, and human rights. This age of advancements, known to all as the Industrial Revolution, introduced the world to a flurry of innovations and improvements. Many of these improvements, or contributions were essential to American history. Of the men who made these contributions, three made the greatest, Samuel Morse, Cyrus McCormick, and Benjamin Silliman
Born on April 27, 1791, Samuel Finley Breese Morse is most widely known as the inventor of the telegraph and founder of Morse code. Inspired, and grieved by the late news of his wife’s death, Samuel Morse founded the basis for telecommunications around the world. His telegraph would eventually evolve into cellular communications, radios, telephones, and even the internet. These are all essential forms of communications that keep planes in the air, ensure important messages are sent and received as fast as possible, and keep personal savings and secrets safe. Also, his Morse code would become the primary telegraphic language of the world, and is still th...

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