The Thing on the Stick

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The Thing on the Stick
What would happen if a group of school boys were stranded on an island, with no adults? What would they do? These are some of the questions posed in William Golding’s Lord of the Flies, where a group of British school boys are stranded on a small, deserted island, and where order slowly breaks down into chaos and savagery. Even though the movie adaption of Lord of the Flies changes many elements of the story, they both still demonstrate the same theme of evil in human nature.
In the book, there is a scene where Simon is speaking to the Lord of the Flies, who is actually a pig’s head stuck on a stake, and it tells him that he is the evil inside of them all, and he is the reason why everything is going bad. Simon is severely dehydrated, when he comes across a pig’s head, and he hallucinates that the pig’s head is talking to him. “The Lord of the Flies laughed again. ‘Fancy thinking the beast was something you could kill, you knew didn’t you? I’m part of you? Close, close, close! I’m the reason why it’s a no go? Why things are what they are?’ ‘You know perfectly well you’ll only meet me down there, don’t try to escape.’ The Thing on the Stick spoke again, ‘Come now, run along, go back to the others and well forget this whole thing.’” (Golding 143) This quote is from Simon’s imagined conversation with the pig’s head, who was the “gift” for the beast, and which represents the evil on the island. The Lord of the Flies also says that he is part of everyone, explaining how he, the evil, is in everyone, and goes on to say that the evil is what is responsible for all of the issues on the island. He also tells Simon to return to the others, and later, when he does return to the others, there is frenzy where there is...

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...le to go, far enough to turn on their friends, and doom themselves, and to murder others.
The Lord of the Flies says a lot about the nature of human beings, but perhaps its most lasting impression is of the evil that is inherently imbedded in every human being’s nature. During Simon’s encounter with the Lord of the Flies, it tells him that the evil is inside of everyone, and that it is the reason for the demise of order and civility on the island. In the movie, the boys discuss restraining or killing the unconscious pilot, for the reason that they are scared of him. Finally in the concluding hunt for Ralph, the people who used to be his friends want to killing him and put his head on a stake. Even though there are many changes to the plot in Lord of the Flies and the movie, they both still retain the same basic theme that human beings are, despite everything, evil.

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