The Theme Of Paralysis In The Sisters – Repetition And Death?

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The Sisters – Repetition and Death
It tells the narrator’s experience of dealing with deaths in life and shows how deaths could interrupt human’s life. Ex. Priest Father Flynn
“Every night as I gazed up at the window I said softly to myself the word paralysis.” (page 3) → Window symbolized the feeling of escape, fear and quietness.
When the narrator knew that Father Flynn is close to dying, the narrator kept thinking of his physical appearance- These bizarre physical images draw out the awkward nature of death.
“His face was very truculent, grey and massive, with black cavernous nostrils and circled by a scanty white fur.” (Pg.9)
After looking at the corpse, the narrator rejected eating crackers because he fears that it would be too much …show more content…

(Physical paralysis)
Paralysis is reflected from the practices and teachings that Father Flynn does or teach to the narrator. Emphasized that that routine practice of religion rituals leads to paralysis.

An Encounter – Repetition over Desire to escape
“The adventures related in the literature of the Wild West were remote from my nature but, at least, they opened doors of escape.” (Pg 15)
The narrator and his friends play games about the Wild West to make school not that bored - The unnamed main character shows that it is not only just him that wants to escape from boring life but a lot of people. Small symbolized big.
A group of schoolboys stage mock “cowboy and Indian” battles.
A unnamed boy, the narrator explains that fictional adventure games and stories bonded the boys together.
Joe Dillon, a winner who always ends his victory when playing games.
His father caught Leo Dillon, Joe’s younger brother keeping the magazines that carry games and stories in his pocket; scolded Leo for not reading his Roman history. - Parents disapproves and paralyzed, which further influences the children to do the same things over and over again and be …show more content…

We followed him with our eyes and saw that when he had gone on for perhaps fifty paces he turned about and began to retrace his steps.” (Pg 20)
Retrace steps symbolize the repetition in life even within strange and new experiences
“When he passed at our feet he glanced up at us quickly and then continued his way. We followed him with our eyes and saw that when he had gone on for perhaps fifty paces he turned about and began to retrace his steps.” (Pg 22)
The awkward man’s speech paralyze the narrator. Even though they are in a different open space where they finally find resting, but he still cannot get away from the fate that he still have to suffer from monotony.
The boys were alone resting and suddenly a old man appears and he walked in circles and leaning on a stick.
He joined the boys talking and reminiscing what was like in his boyhood and all the romance books he have read. (the works of Lord Lytton)
Then the conversation turns to “sweethearts” as the man asked the boys whether they’ve got any girlfriends and he got excited along his own talking.
The stranger (pervert) walked away and masturbate. “After a while, the man crosses the field and does something that the boys find "queer".

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