The Theme Of Friendship In Munro's 'The Open Window'

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Munro, H.H. “The Open Window”.

This short story by Munro highlights a young aunt continually waiting for her lost husband and sons to come home through her open window. Revealing the hope the aunt has throughout the story, Munro artistically portrays the characters and their thoughts. The main character, Framton, experiences the woman’s longing firsthand, finding communication difficult. Alas, the woman believes she spots her lost relatives riding up in the distance, but Framton takes his sighting of the figures as ghosts, and quickly hurries away. The aunt and her niece don’t see a reason for this behavior, not knowing of their own ultimate delusion.

Poe, Edgar Allen. “The Cask of Amontillado”.

This short story by writer Edgar Allen Poe …show more content…

He mentions many everyday examples that tie back to his main idea of decaying friendship. He states that there is no greater disappointment than to meet an old friend and discover how they have changed. He thoroughly explains how the overall renovation of friendship is basically hopeless, and how one should try to keep his friends close in order to remain joyful. Lastly, he reminds us of the greatest novelty in the world, the gift of friendship, and the lengths we need to achieve in order to keep it.

King, Martin Luther. “Letter from a Birmingham Jail”.

This letter by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. reveals the multitude of racial criticism he has received throughout his life. He explains how his arrest was a result of injustice and provides instances in which racial discrimination is prominent. Following that, King explains the differences between just and unjust laws, continuously hinting that rules that limiting black people are unjust. He gives his own imprisoning as an example of this, as well as other historical and religious examples. Finally, King ends his letter motivating his fellow African American brothers to win their freedom and become equal.

Quindlen, Anna.

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