Deep Practice: The Catalyst for Talent Development

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In Daniel Coyle’s, The Talent Code he studies talent and tries to explain how people become talented by going to several “talent hotspots”(12). In the chapter, “The Sweet Spot”, Coyle explains that people who struggle to do something “increase their learning velocity” (5-16). By struggling to do something you are more likely to learn faster. Coyle calls this method of training “deep practice” (16). Coyle tries to explain this deep practice by giving many examples of people who have unknowingly used this method before. For example, Coyle visited Brazilian soccer players to learn about how they became talented playing soccer. He finds out that they play a unique Minigame called futebol de Salao which is like soccer, but in a confined area where …show more content…

The only example Coyle gives about deep practice in the academic area is with a group test. “Group A studied the paper for four sessions. Group B studied only once but was tested three times. A week later both groups were tested, and Group B scored 50 percent higher than Group A” (18-19). This example doesn’t show how people can study with deep practice in the academic area unless the teacher lets you take their test three times which is not feasible and highly unlikely. There is also a story of a girl in highschool and how she improved her grades with deep practice. “Catherine Fritz, one of Bjork's students, said she applied these ideas to her schoolwork, and raised her GPA by a full point while studying half as much” (19). All Coyle said about Catherine is that she applied deep practice to her school work and got a higher GPA, but he doesn’t explain how she did it. Overall Coyle connected with the reader using great examples that help explain deep practice. However he doesn’t give any applicable examples for the academic side of deep practice. In “The Sweet Spot” you will learn that talent is not born into individuals but instead it is made and deep practice will help you achieve

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