Structural Functionalism Vs Structural Functionalism

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Under the social sciences, there are three main different fields. Sociology, Anthropology, and Political Science. These three helps determine the behaviors of the people, and the way their actions contradict or sync with their actions. With these three, we can easily distinguish how a certain action can make a massive impact not only on a person’s life but also the lives of people surrounding him. I personally think that through this main fields, we can understand the cause and effect of a certain problem. To be honest, trying to determine which is under which is hard. These three are similar in terms of human interaction. You must know the differences between these three before conducting anything regarding the matter. It took …show more content…

We watched a film and we had an activity afterwards, I was assigned to relate a certain scenario from the film to structural functionalism. That was time I panicked because I didn’t know what it means. Luckily, one of my classmates told me what was it all about and I got it fast. For me, structural functionalism is all about the vital roles of the people, institutions, and other involved in making the society better. Basically, it’s about working together to develop and improve our state. In line with that topic is Symbolic Interactionalism, which for me means giving meaning to something that is meaningless. like, we are looking at a thing and we try to analyze what it does and what it means. To put it another way, digging deeper and deeper. In short, this is to understand the behavior of an individual towards a certain situation. Also, it is synonymous to stereotyping. Moreover, conflict theory is related to these two topics above because it also deals with actions but in different terms. based on my own understanding, Conflict theory states that the society won’t be in its progressive state if conflict will not interfere. In simpler terms, society can’t always be on the positive side. There should be a negative side so that there’s equilibrium. There can’t be good if there’s no bad. What’s the basis of good if bad is not present? And …show more content…

From what I understood, there’s three levels of memories or the ability to have something imprinted in mind. One, conscious/consciousness. At this state, you are in contact outside the world. You are present in the present situation you’re in. You’re aware of what you’re doing. Second, pre-conscious. At this state, you are beneath the surface of awareness. You’re not fully aware of anything and everything. It’s like you’re half awake and half asleep. The last, third. Unconsciousness. At this state, your memories are repressed and pushed at the back of your mind. You can sense familiarity but couldn’t recall anything about it. this. Under psychoanalytic theory is the defense mechanism. Basically, this means the individual’s hazy contortion of perception of reality that helps them overcome their stress and anxiety. There are ten stages in this section. First, denial. This is means denying what’s already there. You can’t accept it so you deny. Second, repression, this is a memory that’s been erased from a person’s mind. This is often caused by traumatic events happened in a persons’ life. The third, rationalization. A good example of this is a white lie. You’re covering up your wrongful act. You’re making excuses. The fourth, projection. This is the placement of your feelings to another person. You’re not aware that you’re doing it. this can be

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