The Story Editha by William Dean Howells

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In order to better interpret a piece of literature you have to get the background information first. Through the biography and the historical context it helped me come up with an in depth analysis of the story i researched.William Dean Howells is just one of the great practitioner of realism. While reading on Howell's reason for realism i came acrossed that Howell's belief of idealism is stupidity. With him saying,"a false sentiment and the complete opposite of common sense." He knew that realism isnt just "copying reality, but also involved attituded toward reality." With that being said it helps better understand how the story reveals itself.
Often times realist are known as "regionalist" writer for their focus of work being on an exact part of the country. In this story "Editha" by William Dean Howells he uses a bit of romantic style but all together its categorized as one of the realist trends. He had the best of his work that represents when he was at the top of his writing published in Harpers Monthy. The issues that were featured in April of 1886,July1888, December 1887,1890, November 1889, and 1891 contain why he wanted to be involved in the "realism war," and in the "critics war."
Phillip Barris wrote a book on America realism and had said "Howells critical discussions of dialect in American literaute ecemplify the complexity of literaty realism's role in these interncerine middle-class struggles over modes of style, taste, and aeistethic experience." While reading biography's on Howell's i became to realize how big he is with dialect. In this story "Editha," he uses dialect to measure out the tone of the story. I have also learned how his use of dialect in his old magazine disussions were about stories with dialect ...

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... whats a better way to name a title of a story about a girl whos self-centerd.

Works Cited

Barrish, Phillip. American Literary Realism, Critical Theory, And Intellectual Prestige, 1880-1995. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2001. eBook Collection (EBSCOhost). Web. 27 Apr. 2014.

Brooks, Van Wyck. Howells: His life and World. New York: E.P. Dutton & CO., INC, 1959. Print. 27 Apr. 2014

Cady, Edwin Harrison. The Realist At War; The Mature Years, 1885-1920, Of William Dean Howells. n.p.: Syracuse University Press, 1958. Print. 27 Apr. 2014.

Carrington, George C. The Immense Complex Drama; The World And Art Of The Howells Novel. n.p.: Columbus, Ohio State University Press, 1966. Print. 27 Apr. 2014.

Wagenknecht, Edward. William Dean Howells; The Friendly Eye [By] Edward Wagenknecht. n.p.: New York, Oxford University Press, 1969., 1969. Print. 27 Apr. 2014.

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