The Stamp Act: The Proclamation Of 1763

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The Stamp Act ___________________________________________________________ The Stamp Act, put in place in 1765, was the first internal tax directly out upon on American colonists. This act stated that all paper would need a stamp on it before you bought it which, of course, cost money. Now, this angered not only average colonists going about their everyday lives but also the most important colonists of all; the newspaper printers and lawyers. Basically, the tax angered the higher-ups who had the biggest impact on our current American history. This tax existed for the reason of revenue for the British government as they were now low on it from the war. The Proclamation of 1763 ___________________________________________________________ The Proclamation of 1763 was promulgated October 7th, 1763 (duh) by King George III (also duh). This Proclamation was, as most things, proceeding the French and Indian War. With Great Britain’s procurement of some French territory in North America after the French and Indian War/7 Years’ War (which actually lasted nine years), they announced the Proclamation of 1763, which proscribed all settlement past a line drawn on the Appalachian Mountains. Now, this was very upsetting to the colonists as they had just paid large sums of money and sent out men to …show more content…

As a result, the Prime Minister George Greenville asked Parliament to tax the colonies and without any consent from the colonies, Parliament went about creating taxes for the colonies. They even stopped allowing colonists to print their own money and started making the shipping policies stricter by searching the colonist’s ships. If any smuggled goods were found, those in charge of the transportation could lose the goods on board, the ship itself, and probably get put in jail even if they weren’t responsible for it and hadn’t done anything illegal or wrong at

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