The Sports of Korfball, Extreme Ironing, Underwater Hockey and Rugby

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Baseball, hockey, korfball anyone? The wide world of sports ranges from the predictable to the obscure. You can play korfball with the people of the Netherlands, go to the extreme ironing world championship near Munich, Germany, or play underwater hockey or rugby with the New Jersey Hammerheads, or any of the other seven teams in the United States. No matter how strange these sports sound or seem, people play them. Korfball is a co-ed sport similar to basketball, except it is typically played on a large, grassy field. The game is fairly simple. You score when you throw the ball through the other team's basket, which is on a post about 11 ½ feet high. After two goals the teams change zones: the defenders become attackers and attackers defenders. At half time the teams change ends. It mat sound a lot like basketball, but there are a couple of major twists. First, a player can’t run with the ball or dribble it under any circumstances. When you receive the ball, you need to pass it to a teammate or shoot. Also, each team must be made up of exactly four men and four women; There are ...

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