The Spirit Catches You And You Fall Down Analysis

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Quote 1: “... cultural difference adherents argue that the academic failures of students from diverse backgrounds cannot be attributed to to perceived disadvantages existing within a culture. Instead, school failure results principally because there is a mismatch (difference) between student’s cultures and the cultures of schools themselves.”
Text to Self: In one of my classes in high school, there was a student who had recently emigrated from a country in Southeast Asia. She spoke a decent amount of English, and seemed to be a dedicated student. However, my friend who had her in a class later in the day was surprised to hear how well she was doing in my class, since she only showed up to her other class maybe once a week. I thought this was
In the book a young hmong girl who recently emigrated to America, is diagnosed with severe epilepsy. The American doctors struggle to provide optimal patient care due to the cultural disconnect. Her parents are skeptical and do not trust the American doctors or American medicine. As a result, they refuse treatment and medicine that is best for their daughter, Lia. It is not until the Doctors try and learn about Hmong traditions, beliefs, and lifestyles that are they able to gain the family’s trust and provide the medical care that Lia needs. This book is a perfect representation of why it is important to understand and educate oneself on various
According to the Huffington Post, “The cultural difference theory is based on the idea that students who are raised in different cultural settings may approach education and learn in different ways. It is important for teachers to be aware of the difference between the school atmosphere and the home environment. People from different cultural traditions may have an approach to education that differs from the mainstream approach used in American schools”. In order to set a student up for success educators should become informed about the cultural differences of their students, and how this could possibly affect their education. If everyone was more informed and respectful concerning cultural differences all students in the classroom would progress. Also, I think Americans should be more open to other ideas regarding education. There are other countries who education system varies greatly, and they are achieving higher levels of academic success. Perhaps, by learning about other cultures as well as their education systems this would have a direct impact on making America’s education system more impactful for all students. Have any other countries adopted an “americanized” style of learning? What are some things that other countries do that America could incorporate into its own educational

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