Solutions To The Refugee Crisis In The World

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Between January and November of this year more than 750,000 migrants have been estimated crossing into the EU’s borders compared to only 280,000 in the whole year during 2014 ( This influx of refugees and asylum seekers from the Middle East has become a heavy burden for European Union policy makers. Many state leaders have opposing viewpoints and varying solutions to the crisis that is plaguing their region and as a result there has been little to no actions taken to solve this ever growing problem. This crisis should serve as prime example of global cooperation, and it should highlight the ability to come together internationally and deal with important problems that affect all individuals. The solution of the refugee crisis will
As German Chancellor Angela Merkel stated, “If Europe fails on the question of refugees, then it won’t be the Europe we wished for”. The Washington Post and the BBC News both wrote articles focused on the refugee crisis, they both however differ on how they approach the subject. The Washington Post’s article focused on five possible solutions for the refugee crisis, and the pros and cons of each possible solution. These solutions included doing nothing, establishing quotas for each country for the amount of refugees they must accept, taking military action against human traffickers, resettling refugees directly from and around Syria, and final solution bringing peace to Syria, Afghanistan, and the other surrounding states. The article concluded saying that bringing peace to the

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