The Importance Of Social Skills In College Education

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College is the time where students acquire an arrangement of skills and gain a network of people to outsource and build relationships with other students. This is mostly due to the social skills that they develop and learn on the college campus which is left out on the Minerva college program. Social skills which are very necessary for life itself developed a lot having a college campus to freely speak to other students and faculty and this is missing out of Minerva 's college education. The social skills aspect of college is highly advantageous for a student to develop socially. It benefits the students to build a branch of colleagues that are interested in the same program or has the same academic standard as them. In an online platform this experience would be missed out on especially since the freshman year of the students term is being …show more content…

Moreover communication is one of the many social skills that can be used and gained whilst in college and throughout life. College professors are required to be talked to and approach with a certain degree of etiquette and manners to develop a good relationship with them. To acquire the many benefits that could possibly be gained from having a positive relationship can help a student academically substantially such as a student having a great relationship with the professor and in return bump up the student’s grade. Having proper grammar and vocabulary is great for when applying to a job and during the interview speaking intellectually and fluently can separate a student from their competition for the job opportunity. In situations such as these social skills are put to the test at the most during that time and can be determine whether a student will succeed or fail

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