The Social Problem Of Human Trafficking

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The ASPE defines human trafficking as “The recruitment, harboring, transportation, provision or obtaining of a person for labor or services, through the use of force, fraud, or coercion for the purpose of subjection to involuntary…”(Human Trafficking in the US, 2009). Human trafficking is basically forcing a person to participate in actions in which they have no say in, and will not obtain no profit. What also makes this social problem unreal is that it can occur not only behind lock doors, but also can be happening in your eyesight. The work they are forced to commit can range from prostitution to labor, and will most likely result in some sexual, and physical abuse. Human trafficking has been an important social problem that has been repeatedly …show more content…

In this world the goal is to make a profit, and some people take it to an extreme. In the article Why Human Trafficking? it takes that “Human trafficking is the third most profitable business for organized; crime the first and second are drug and arms trafficking”(Gennevieve St. Leger, N.d). One cause of the main problems is that money is involved, and is the lead cause of why this is happening. As for the individual has no fault of their own besides, and even falling victim to human trafficking is still not their fault. There is a horrid stigma that always blames the victim, and it is not at any fault of their own. The only one to blame for the reason why it happens is the trafficker, society for allowing this to be overseen. Society allows this social problem to be overseen, by not setting more regulations. At this time we have a couple laws prohibiting human trafficking, it was made a national social problem, and there is a number you can call if you suspect it is occurring. Although, there is few advisement about what is happening. There are little knowledge given on how important it is to know how to spot signs of possible human trafficking. Society rather not face the problem since it maybe too serious, and scary so it is pushed away from the people that can recognize, and stop it. In most cases society also blames the victim …show more content…

Love146 mission is to is to stop children trafficking, and to assist victims that have fallen victim. One program that they offer in the United States is survivor care. This provides legal assistance, therapy, assisting them create a safety plan, and crisis intervention. Their goal is to insure that the victims are getting what they fully need. Love146 also provides the youth with a backpack filled with contact informations, blankets, and things that maybe needed. Love146 also has a prevention education on children trafficking. The idea is to inform students to understand human trafficking, so they can better understand the odds of being a victim. The subjects they would be teaching is how to realize recruitment tactics vulnerabilities, and to be capable of telling when a situation maybe dangerous. Not only does Love146 have something to teach students, but it also has training for teachers, social workers, law enforcement, and others that do not know how to speak to youth. Love146 prides itself on giving thousands of professionals the tools to prevent human trafficking, and how to support the victim. Just like the how they educated the students is how they train professionals. They show them the vulnerabilities, recruitment tactics, dynamic of power, sign of abuse, and how to respond

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