The Similarity of Cambridge to Central Ilford

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The Similarity of Cambridge to Central Ilford

The aim of this chapter is to outline and discuss the similarities

between two urban areas, Central Ilford and Cambridge, so that a

greater understanding of City Centres can be achieved. It will test

the hypothesis, not all town and city centres are the same. Results

from geographical skills will be used to complete the task..

An environmental survey, questionnaire, land use survey will be

carried out for Ilford to compare different aspects. The journey by

punt could not be performed, as the River Roding in Ilford is not used

for recreation.

Cambridge and Central Ilford have many similarities. First of all, the

environment in both areas varied across the urban area. Ilford lane

scored a total of 19 in the environmental quality survey. This is

similar to East Road and St. Andrews Street in Cambridge, as the

quality of the environment in these areas was generally poor. These

areas are noisy. Ilford lane is noisy because of the traffic, which

means that buses, lorries, and cars dominated the roads. Also the vast

amount of convenience shops on Ilford Lane means that there are loads

of people making noise. This is similar to Cambridge as its main

purpose is to take traffic in and out of the Central Business


The buildings are more functional then attractive. In Ilford Lane the

shops are very busy and there is less time to properly maintain the

shop fronts. St. Andrews Street has the same problem.

There is litter, dirt, and graffiti in every area in both centres.

Ilford Lane, and Ilford High Road are similar to East Road and St.

Andrews Street. Ilford Lane, despite having many rubbish bins, is

polluted with litter, which is normally dumped on the kerb where it

will be collected some time. Also, as there are loads of people eating

and drinking things from the many restaurants, the litter increases

because people do not use the rubbish bins provided. This was also the

scene in some places in Cambridge.

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