The Side Effects Of Taurine In The Energy Drinks

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The amount of dosage that is safe cannot be pinpointed because the effect varies from one individual to another depending on the individual’s tolerance.
Generally an amount of 500-1000 mg daily can lead to some of the severe side effects.

Al most all energy drinks contain high amounts of sugars. They use attractive names like ‘natural cane juice’, ‘glucose’ to make consumers feel healthy about the sugars they are in taking, however in reality they are just using cane sugar or corn syrup that is high in fructose.
• High sugar drinks are said to be the cause of obesity
• Tooth Decay
• Type 2 diabetes
• Blood sugar and insulin spikes

Some countries banned energy drink because of their taurine content, but there have been documented that no side effects from Taurine in the energy drinks.

B Vitamins
• More than 35mg of Niacin (b3) can cause flushing of the skin and drinking of 3000mg in in a 24 hours can result in liver toxicity.
• More than 100mg of B6 can cause burning sensation or skin lesions.

Large quantities has been linked to diarrhea and large dose...

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