The Sexualization of Youth and the Effects that It Has on Children, Teenagers and on Adults

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This report investigates the sexualisation of youth and the effects that it has on children, teenagers and on adults. I will be first telling you a bit about the sexualisation of youth and a brief description of what it actually is and who it is affecting. The discussion then focuses on the advantages and disadvantage of the changes that have happened over the years to the sexualisation of children teenagers and even to adults.


The purpose of this report is to talk about the sexualisation of youth and to discuss what this issue is doing to our children and to our life’s. The sexualisation of our children is effecting more than just the children affected is effecting parents, other children around them and it is effecting everyone around this child. This research is being done via internet and via books and articles.

The sexualisation of teenagers and of young children has become widely known about over the years as more harm is coming to these young girls and boys as the sexualisation of these young people is increasing and these children are becoming more sexualised earlier and therefore there not having the childhood that children had over ten years ago. Children these days are going through puberty earlier they are suffering from more mental disorders to do with their bodies such as having eating disorders and being obese. Children are having to deal with a whole lot more these days as they are wanting to do more with the friends then they would of ten years ago they are becoming more interested in boys and wanting to spend more time with them. These young teenagers are becoming more involved with in the activities that older teens are doing such as drinkin...

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.... 2010. Web 08 Feb. 2011. .

Hansen, Jane. Are our children being damaged by being exposed to a barrage of sexualised images and products? 18 july 2010. (accessed feburary 8, 2011).

Health On the Net Foundation. (n.d.). sexual health. Retrieved Feburary 16, 2011, from sexual health:

Commonwealth of Australia Senate Printing Unit, Parliament House, Canberra. (2008, june). report on children and there sexualisation. Retrieved feburary 16, 2011, from sexualisation of children:

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