The Secrets of Area 51

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Area 51, positioned within the confines of a nuclear test site in Nevada has been thought to be the nerve center for America’s top-most classified security projects. Numerous United States’ citizens have spotted, captured images of flying objects and saucer-shaped planes making unconventional aerial maneuvers for over many decades (Sweetman, 2006). It has also been whispered that the scientific projects on the site are not conventional, but rather reverse-engineering developments of original military equipment of America’s enemies. Area 51 is also referred to as Dreamland, The Box, The Ranch, Groom Lake and Watertown Strip. The total area of the facility measures 60 square miles of the desert land and exists between two raised grounds 120 miles to the northwest of Las Vegas. Accordingly, it is worth examining whether it is rational to believe in Area 51.

Area 51 on Maps
Old maps covering the facility reveal the site is split into sections labeled Area 1, Area 2, Area 3, among others in what is perhaps one of the clearest indications to the presence of the facility (Wilson, 1997). Researchers have noted that the Area was located at the edge of the Nevada nuclear site in the box named 'Area 51' (Wilson, 1997). The area was reportedly selected in 1954 by Tony LeVier, a Lockheed test aviator, who was tasked to find the best location for the flight trials of the company’s new reconnaissance plane known as the U-2 (Swift, 2011). After scanning through the desert for a far-flung area, he picked on the Groom Lake as the perfect place. The area was located close to vital military assets and infrastructures in raised perimeter grounds, concealed from inquisitive civilians or unwanted enemy agents. The flat floors of the dry lake provided i...

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...ty in view of block human beings while disregarding roaming desert animals (Sweetman, 2006). All these remain unverified, and as such, believing the area may mean giving in to speculations.
Area 51 has been a mystery for more than six decades. The lack of its existence in state records lends confidence to its non-existence in the first place. The recent declassification of its existence, without offering fine details of its existence only increases speculations among the citizens. Indeed, it would be rational to believe in Area 51 because many Americans have sighted strange aircrafts overflying Area 51. Cartographers have also identified Area 51 on the map. Concisely, the location near a nuclear test site was probably meant to conceal military operations on the site from curious people and consequently, the government has since admitted its existence.

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