Personal Essay On Inner Self

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Inwardness is thought to be something within the self that is more meaningful and authentic than can be found in the outer world. The search for inwardness is a complex and private journey that is very ambiguous, but it is a path everyone should follow at some point in their life. It is not an easy thing to do, but if more people took up the task and found their inner self and their inner peace, not only would they be made better from it but the world around them would benefit too. When someone develops inwardness, they are surer of themselves, their own abilities, and their purpose on this Earth making our world a better place. Personally, I have struggled throughout my life with my own inwardness, although I never really knew it was called “inner self” or “inwardness” but I did want to better understand myself and what drove me and why I was here. Even when I was little, the question of my inner self bothered me. I would lay in bed and question my existence and I would be bothered about what makes me me. I would have the occasional mini existential crises, which looking back on it seems strange for an …show more content…

One idea that was very big in The Truth Within was the idea of hierarchy within the self and the universe. While I understand the thought that one must ascend the hierarchy of the inner self and the universe to know their inner self and God, respectively, I did not find this ascension to be at all important in my own journey. The other point I did not agree with was the Middle Ages Christian idea that by conforming outwardly to the church one would develop and inward interiority. While mass and conformity are an aspect of the search for inwardness, they were not a defining, crucial part. I went to mass on Sundays, but the majority of my self-discovery occurred in the privacy and silence of my own

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