The Satguru Poem Analysis

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Building on the theme from the preceding verse and reinforcing the message therein, this verse conveys a grim reminder of the predominance of ignorance, coupled with utter disregard and neglect of the Light in the entire lifespan of the embodied soul during its earthly sojourn, manifesting as‎ complete lack of discernment in drawing a distinction between the worthy and unworthy. The opening line of the verse reminds man that all through his lifespan, he has remained in a state of blindness, which, as expounded in verses sixteen and thirty-four, depicts ignorance, lack of discernment and perception and above all, the absence of understanding of the ḥaqīqa and true knowledge of the essence of the Satguru. According to the second line, this lack of vision and perception manifests in the form of oblivion and utter disregard of the jot, …show more content…

Furthermore, jot gaī visār, also refers to a state bereft of Gnostic knowledge of the ḥaqīqa or True Reality of the Satguru and, by extension, a complete of lack of knowledge of the light within; a state of spiritual void, stemming from absence of spiritual connection and affinity with the Nūr. Thus, synonymous with ghafla, this state of spiritual destitution is indeed inversely proportional to the experience of prevalence of the Nūr and imān, lucidly articulated in verse nine of this composition. The ninth verse illustrates the fruition of knowledge par excellence, through expulsion of ghafla and spiritual darkness, triggered by the permeation of true imān and influx of the Nūr within the heart. Conversely, the current verse describes a situation of spiritual blindness and darkness, resulting from lack of knowledge of the Nūr of the Satguru. Moreover, the vacuum of Light described in this verse is antithetical to the embrace of Light expressed in verse twenty-seven of this

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