My Mother As A Mother

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A mother is a selfless, loving human being who sacrifices many of their wants and needs for the needs of their children. A mother is a protector, a teacher, and a friend. A mother works hard to make sure their children have food, a roof over their head, clothes on their backs and most importantly unconditional love. Being a daughter of an immigrant mother has shown me how a mother is willing to face any challenges and sacrifices for their children. As most latino immigrants, many cross over to the United States for a better opportunity and to provide for their families back home. My mother came to the US around her late 20 's leaving behind five children, not because she wanted too but because she needed to find a way to provide for them. …show more content…

To many people my mother was just a housekeeper but to us she was everything. My mother did not have the chance to finish school and get a proper education due to lack of money back in her country. When my brother and I graduated high school, I know my mother was proud of us. Being the first in our family to finish high school, it was a very big accomplishment. Now I am perusing a college education, working hard to be successful and I owe everything to my mother. "She will forever be a warrior, and I am proud to be a product of her greatness" (Jacobsen, 45). She sacrifices so much for my brother, and me. I admire her so much; I am the woman that I am now because of her. Without her sacrifices, her hard work, and dedication I would not be where I am now. Since I was a little girl, she taught me how to be independent and hard working. She always pushed me to strive for better and to be successful. I owe everything to my mother. She came to the United States with nothing and she still is a hardworking and humble woman. Everything I do is because of her. I want to be able to return the favor for everything that she did for me. Her sacrifices will be worth

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