The Rose Tattoo Play Analysis

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The Rose Tattoo On April 20th at 8 P.M., I attended a play entitled, The Rose Tattoo. The play took place in Dahlberg Hall Theatre on Courtland Street. This is a play by the playwright, Tennessee Williams.
The Rose Tattoo is a production that takes place in the late 1940s and early 50s. The main character of the notorious love story is Serafina delle Rose. She is a local seamstress, a mother of a twelve-year-old girl, Rose, and a widow. In the beginning, we discover that Serafina entertains her husband’s mistress, Estelle, by bragging on him without being aware of it. We also find out that Serafina is a part of the low class. After heckling the woman, she still does the work requested to make money. Three years passes and Rosa graduates from school. Rosa was in such a depression about the death of her late husband that she never left the house; she tries to seclude her daughter from the outside as well by keeping her locked in the house. She especially tries to keep her daughter from a boy named Jack. Due to their belief as being Catholic, practicing abstinence is essential, but Rose insists on dating …show more content…

The exterior of the house resembled a southern house. There was tin on the roof and porch was wooden. In the interior of the home, the walls had wallpaper shaped in flowers and there was a lot of vintage furniture. The Virgin Mary doll, which sat at the alter in their home, allowed viewers to know that they’re Catholic. The irony of this involved the costume of Serafina. As she wished to keep her daughter pure and covered, she walked around with a night gown on which often exposed her. The choices for Rosa’s costume entailed of white. This choice symbolized her innocence as being youthful and pure. Although Jack was a sailor, his costume was also all white which symbolized his purity and youthfulness. Contrary, the character of Estelle wore red. This gave off a devious and mischievous feel to her

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