The Roles of Water in Living Organisms and as an Environment for the Organisms

539 Words2 Pages

The Roles of Water in Living Organisms and as an Environment for the Organisms

Without water there would be no life on Earth; this is why water is

the most important biochemical of all.

In "Human Biology" by J.M Orten and O.W. Nevhans, it is suggested that

70% of all body weight is water, most of which is found in three major

compartments: 70% intracellular fluid, 20% interstitial fluid (lymph)

and 7% blood plasma, and only 3% in other compartments. By volume,

nearly a half of each of our organs consist of water; amounting to

approximately 10 gallons of water, of which most is in our cells.

Water is crucial for cells to function healthily and for all chemical

reactions and transport processes to occur. Water is responsible for

maintaining cell structure, aiding metabolism and helping the

circulation of blood and bodily fluids; water is also responsible for

removing bodily waste through excretion.

Water is effective in neutralising the blood, for example, if the

blood is too acidic it is likely the body will suffer fr...

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