The Role of Parents in Shaping a Child´s Future

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I. My Question The topic I intend to research is the role of parents in shaping a child’s future. This paper will examine the idea of nature vs. nurture and relationships between parents and children in the play Romeo and Juliet and the modern world. I decided upon researching this topic because I find it fascinating that both personality characteristics and social and ideological beliefs are passed from parent to children, whether genetically, or simply the manner in which the child is raised. Those traits (and current parental influence) then determine who the child is, will be, and what decisions they will make in the future. I will express my opinion on the situation and explain the research I found. II. My Search Process I began my search process by reading Romeo and Juliet, and analyzing the behaviors and actions of the characters, and the manner in which they reacted to those around them. Then in class, we discussed the scenes and what they meant. I also completed in-class activities involving important scenes and climatic moments. Individually, I researched my topic on the internet using the Google search engine. This steered me to several websites varying from news sites, to psychology organizations and medical websites. After scanning through all the material, I selected the most helpful articles and thoroughly read them. This provided me with the information I needed to create my hypothesis and come to a conclusion about my topic. III. What I have learned While the information found does not give a clear answer about which of the two theories (Nature or Nurture) are correct, the evidence leans towards Nurture. Therefore my conclusion is that parents play a large role in shaping the personalities of their children... ... middle of paper ... ...nt-influence-3044.html>. Hellesvig-Gaskell, Karen. Parental Influence on Personality. . McLeod, Saul. Bobo Doll Experiment. 2011. . —. Bowlby's Attachment Theory. 2007. . Shakespeare, William. Romeo and Juliet. 1597. Suchman, Nancy E., et al. "Parental control, parental warmth, and psychosocial adjustment in a sample of substance-abusing mothers and their school-aged and adolescent children." 6 October 2006. National Center for Biotechnology Information, U.S. National Library of Medicine . . WebMD. Borderline Personality Disorder. 11 March 2011. 16 March 2014 .

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