The Role Of Women In Othello

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Within literature, women are often seen as an angel or a demon regardless of what they do. For example, a woman could have the purest intentions and still suffer the fate that a manipulative woman suffers. It is well known that evil characters never truly get away with their evil deeds, but what about those who have done nothing at all? Why is it that they also suffer untimely deaths or substantial losses? The reasoning behind it could possibly be due to how even the most innocent of characters do not abide by the gender rules that are constantly in place. A woman who speaks against any man in her life is evil…except this provides a sexist mindset. When thinking about the patriarchal system set in place in Shakespeare’s time, as that system is …show more content…

Many would assume that because of Othello’s race, the patriarchal system aspect of the relationship would not apply; however, it is actually quite the opposite. Even with Othello’s disadvantage with other men like Iago and Cassio, he is still a man. Ruth Vanita explains how due to his race, Othello might have even more power over Desdemona than others, stating that “Paradoxically, social prejudice against him results in an outcasting of Desdemona which isolates her even more than other wives and places her more completely at her husband’s mercy” (Vanita 343). Of course, Desdemona would not see it this way due to her blind nature and loving personality. This is why even after Othello began to grow in jealousy due to Iago’s slandering, she remained by his side. It is not in her mentality as a wife to flee from her husband even when all of these red flags should have been going off. Othello is not solely to blame for her death when taking into account the Iago’s manipulation. Love is a powerful emotion, and because of her that and her loyalty, her eyes were shielded from danger. This, in itself, could be one of the main causes for the death of

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