The Role Of Hell In Dante's Inferno

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“Abandon All Hope Ye Who Enter Here.”(Alighieri 18) this statement is viewed while entering through The Gates of Hell. The Inferno by Dante Alighieri is one perspective of Hell that has been written. According to the Cambridge University Library, Hell is set up like a funnel that extends from the surface of the Earth located near Jerusalem; it expands down to the center of the Earth (Cambridge 2006). In this cone-like structure, there are circles that divide sins by the severity of the sin committed. Each circle is on a different ledge or level that separates them from each other (Alighieri 25). Dante and his guide Virgil travel through all the circles of Hell during the Lent season. Through their travels they inspect and comment on the variations …show more content…

This part of Hell is set up inside of concrete walls. This is also the part of Hell where punishments get more severe. This part of Hell is also guarded with demons at the entrance. In each circle there is are different geographical parts, but in this section it gets more complicated. Circle seven is broken apart into 3 sub-circles, this is because they sins are related to each other but are punished differently. For example, circle seven the major sin is violence. This major sin is broken up into violence against neighbors, self, God, and nature. Since there are sub-circles this means that there are different punishments and physical structure in each part. One section in circle seven is a river of boiling blood, and in another section there is a forest with trees. Even though the different geological forms are in the same circle, they divide the different sins apart. Circle seven and eight differ in not only sins, but also in physical structure too. Circle eight is divided into ten ditches that lead further into the center of the world (Alighieri 143). The Lower part of Hell was surrounded by iron blocks, but the eighth circle alone “ a great circle of stone that slopes like an amphitheater.” (Alighieri 143). This shows that the the physical appearance and land is getting more serious because of the sin and it is getting closer to the center of

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