The Role Of Conflict In Alice Walker's Everyday Use

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The main conflict in Everyday Use, it's the choice mama had to make, on who will be keeping the quilts, between her two daughters. Dee (Wangero) seem to be the oldest of the two daughters. The way mama described Dee, made her seem like a narcissist. Dee, did not care for their culture. Furthermore, Dee's reaction towards their first house burning down, made her look like if she was embarrassed by where she came from. In the other hand, Maggie was described by mama, with burns on her body. According, to the story, Maggie was intimidated by her sister, she will get nervous and ashamed of herself while being around Dee. Mama, realize that Dee was not going to use the quilts like they are meant to be used. Mama made the choice to leave the quilts

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