The Rhetorical Analysis Of George Washington's Farwell Address

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George Washington wrote a message to the American people and he named the document, Washington’s Farwell Address. George Washington started off his farewell by telling the people that the time has come to designate someone as president but that he would not be running for a third term. He goes on to explain in great detail why he would not be running for a third term as well as addressing what he believed the nation should follow. George Washington gave the people advice on how we could be a great nation but he also warned us about situations that would be the downfall of our great nation, but did we the people follow the advice he gave us in 1796. Initially, George Washington gives the American people two main pieces of advice in his farewell. The first piece of advice he gives is that we should not split into political parties. He states, “In contemplating the causes which may disturb our Union, it occurs as matter of serious concern that any ground should have been furnished for characterizing parties by geographical discriminations.” He believed that if the nation split it would no longer be about what people believed but, what the parties believed. If there was not a republican and democrat stigma in congress then it would no …show more content…

He said commercially we should align with other nations because we could not support ourselves with the resources that we have as an up and coming nation but we should not politically cantingly ourselves in other nation’s affairs. I believe Washington was right in thinking this because when the United States gets involved in other countries it causes more problems for our nation. Also I believe that George Washington was right by saying that we should not get involved politically but I do not think you can be involved commercially and not

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