The Revolutionary Period: The History Of The Revolutionary Era

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America. Its history is long, with many twists and turns. Americas beginnings are where our most revolutionary moments lie. The Revolutionary Period is the period in which America drifts from Britain 's rule, and finds its own route to prosperity and happiness through freedom and equality. During this time period American heroes such as Thomas Jefferson, Ben Franklin, George Washington and Thomas Paine emerged. The political events, struggle for freedom and rhetorical writing during this time ignite the fire that becomes The United States of America. The revolutionary period covers a period between 1765 and 1783. ("Revolutionary Period" 6) During this period, a series of events relating to Americas relation with Britain unfold. Major events like the Stamp Act, the Boston Massacre, and Paul Revere 's Ride. The Stamp act was a tax imposed on the colonists that taxed almost all documents. This was the tinder on the revolutionary fire. The Boston Massacre was an event in which civilian protesters where shot by British soldiers, leaving 5 dead and 6 injured. It lead to an extreme distrust and hatred towards Britain. This was the fuel on the fire, all it needed now was a spark. The battle of Lexington and Concord, a battle in which British forces would try to take a militia weapons cache, would be that spark. Paul Revere 's ride is the event in which Paul Revere warned local militias of the impending British attack on these locations. …show more content…

2 prominent groups began to emerge, the Patriots and the Loyalists. The patriots where strongly against Britain, while the Loyalists where strongly with Britain. Some interesting events began to unfold, one being the Boston Tea Party. The Boston Tea Party is an event in which a group of Massachusetts colonists disguised as Indians boarded tea ships and threw 342 crates of tea into the Boston harbor ("History

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