The Restorative Model Of Justice In The Criminal Justice System

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In order for this model’s implementation to be successful, Torres first needs to accept guilt for the crime he committed and then admit sole responsibility for his own actions. This is one of two major perquisites for the restorative model to work. One method used to lay the groundwork for this acceptance of accountability is for the offender to meet face-to-face with those that he or she victimized. In this case, that would be the immediate family members of John Geer and the decease’s former best friend. The criminal justice system, which possess the most amount of decision-making power, would need to play an active role in initiating this two-way dialogue (Newmark, 2016b). Instead of the standard fact-finding methodology, the restorative
Offenders and victims are provided separate, “parallel” paths to justice in order to achieve this goal (Newmark, 2016c). Responsibility lies with society to ensure that the needs of the victims of a particular crime are met. Offenders are held accountable for their actions by the criminal justice system while, simultaneously, victims receive the emotional and materialistic resources they need in order to progress with their lives. The parallel model of justice differs from the previous three models in regards to the way in which the victim is perceived by the criminal justice system, specifically. In the parallel model, the victim is not just used as a witness or as a tool to solve a crime. This model strives to remedy the harms inflicted on the victim and accommodate them accordingly by using a specialized “victim justice
By incarcerating Torres, his victims would gain an increased sense of safety and support from the criminal justice system. Enrolling Torres in a rehabilitative program can further the victim’s sense of safety and provide emotional healing for the offender. Psychiatric confinement may also yield similar results, however, it is doubtful that John Geer’s father, specifically, would perceive this alternative as “just”. Parole would be the most unlikely alternative chosen by the criminal justice system as parole would not provide any real benefits to the victims of John Geer’s murder or validate the wrongs committed against them.

Victim reintegration is another core concept of the parallel model of justice. Mental health evaluations, financial reimbursements, and community donations are all acceptable avenues the victim justice system may take in order repair harm to the victims. Victim compensation may also require the state to help finance the funeral and burial expenses that arise as a result of John Geer’s murder. To further assist in the victims’ reintegration into their community, the victim justice system may offer long-term counseling services after Torres admits to

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