The Reproductive System: A Review of the Anatomy, Responsibilities and Functions of Each System

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The Reproductive System:

A Review of the Anatomy and Functions of Each System

The reproductive system is a particularly interesting and complex topic for the aspiring interpreter. This system is made up of a constellation of organs within the human body, which are responsible for many functions ranging from hormone production to child-birth. As interpreters, being familiar with both the male and female reproductive system is imperative, particularly for those students interested in specializing in health care interpreting. Within this essay the following topics will be addressed:

1. The male reproductive system

2. The female reproductive system

3. Sexually transmitted diseases

4. Contraceptive methods.

5. Pregnancy, labor and delivery

As these systems are very complex, the information presented only provides only a foundation in your quest for knowledge.

The Male Reproductive System

The male reproductive system is accountable for a number of responsibilities including the production of male hormones which include testosterone and the manufacturing of sperm. Testosterone is responsible for masculine features such as an increase of sexual desires, facial hair growth, increased muscle mass, voice change, and bone density and sperm production. Sperm, also known as gamete, is incased and protected by semen. If the sperm is successfully infused into a female’s uterus through sexual intercourse or a form of artificial insemination the woman could likely become pregnant. Each organ in the male reproductive system has a unique responsibility of its own making hormone and sperm production possible.

The penis consists of three parts; the root which is the base of the penis is located on the lower abdomen. Attached to the ro...

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... is when a surgical incision is made along the stomach, and the baby is extracted surgically from the uterus. Unforeseen complications which require a Caesarian are things such as the baby being in breech position, the umbilical cord being wrapped around the neck, or any fetal distress. Around 5-20 minutes after the baby is born, the placenta (also known as after-birth) is delivered. The uterus contracts for around six weeks after the delivery, and then shrinks to its normal size.

The reproductive system is a multifaceted unique system. Both the male and female system have diverse roles and responsibilities and if put together a new life could potentially be created. If an aspiring interpreter is able to acquire a full understanding of this and all other body systems they then will be able to successfully and confidently interpret in almost any medical setting.

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