The Relationship Between the Communist/Socialist Movements and the Liberation Movements

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Communist/socialist movements played a vital role in the development of liberation movements. Throughout most of Asia and Africa the communist/socialist sphere of influence grew to amass approximately a third of the worlds population. Engulfing many nations on the cusp of their independence. The relationship between the communist/socialist movements and liberation movements was based on an acting factor that enabled the movement to succeed because of the communist/socialist influence over the factor.

Communism is a socioeconomic movement that played major a role in several countries. Gestating from the theology of Karl Marks’ and Friedrich Engles’ work The Communist Manifesto published in 1848; laying the foundation for the application of policy during the early 20th. As a result, leaders such as Joseph Stalin and Vladimir Lenin were able to implement and further develop these theories in the Soviet Union. Their goal as Mark Sandle points out, was to modernize and industrialize as quickly as possible. Focusing on the industrial sector and its components through means of Stalin’s 5-Year plans intended to revolutionize industry (Sandle, 92). However the Soviet Union was not alone, communist China under the rule of Mao Zedong in 1957 had developed an alternative model. Evident with the emergence of The Great Leap Forward a plan with the aim of a more balanced and modern overall economic strategy. Mao set out to exploit Chinas abundance of labor to transform their economy through the processes of agriculturalization industrialization, and collectivization (Sandle, 114). The influence of communism was not limited to The Soviet Union or China, its influence spread across four continents and over a third of the world’s population. Ca...

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... off has gotten him in a worse situation than he was in originally. Furthermore the Cold War is shown as the story unravels and even though the whole time Wormold liberation leader rather than be taken off the job is left in place as many of the dictators and tyrants were after the Cold War was over and Milly(the country) who almost had the feeling of having a mother again(true independence) is forced to settle with out one. Just as many of the nations after the Cold War were just forgotten about and left in a state of conflict.

The relationship between socialist/communist movements and liberation movements was impacted by the influence that was developed over the acting factor in the movements were based on. By manipulating and using the existing influence that the communists had, they were able to develop the strong relationship with newly independent nations.

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