Beauty Is What Feeds My Life By Cristian Villegas Analysis

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“I like to think beauty is a moment, an idea or a scene, not really a place. Like a time in thick rain as thunder echoed throughout the night, or when the fog blotted out the sun and left the landscape an impeccable blue. Beauty in moments is what feeds my life” is what Cristian Villegas confessed me when I asked him what he thought the most beautiful place in the world was. This answer gave myself an unusual amount of insight on him as a person more than anything he could have ever told me. I asked him a continuous amount of questions containing where he was born, what his full name was and even what superhero power he’d want to have; I soon realized that none of that had any true value when it came to Cristian. The information that mattered …show more content…

When I asked him what he would do if he only had two hours left to live and he said that he would “give away all of his belongings and try to help as many people as possible,” which he followed with “then go find a nice corner”. That calm, peaceful and unselfish side of him shows even when he is being adventurous. Cristian easily gets carried away in the moment and it shows within some of the stories he’s told me. For example, when he was in the Red Rock Arches, he had gotten out of the car to get a sample of the Red sand that he was surrounded and hypnotized by. While he was attempting to collect the sand he realized that he was standing right in a sandstorm. Lost in the moment, a very dangerous moment at that, he was mesmerized at what was going on around him. Someone without a peaceful nature would drive right by this exquisite sight and not think twice about it. But to be taken back by such a beautiful moment shows true meaning in someone 's character, even if the owner of that character says “lolz” as if it were his full time

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