The Queer Theory Of The Transgender Theory

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Abstract: Transgender theory tries to break down the binaries of gender assigned by the society. The theory is an in-depth study which denies the existence of binary opposition and extends the possibility the possibility of crossing over. As used as an umbrella term for all pre-operative, post operative and non operative gender identities, the theory draws its strength from theories of Post structuralism and anti -foundationalism. The fluid nature of gender poses an open challenge to the concept of defined gender construct.
Key words: Transgender, Queer, Homosexuality
Religion, myth and its discourse from time immemorial has played a definitive role in framing the Trans as the other. On the other hand Queer theories argue and question these trying to redefine gender identities. Queer theory gives an open arena to voice issues like identity, …show more content…

Day/light, good/evil, black/white man/woman so on and so forth. Those that do not conform to either are relegated to margin and in due course of time obliterated. Freeing oneself from this coerced and compulsory conformity, the transgender opens their horizons to the prevailing expectations of gender norms. Gender is not an essence, nor does it constitute stability. Gender is rather a fluid term which is tenuous and provisional and that can never be demonstrated once and for all opines Judith Butler. Gender exists only so far as they are performed and re-performed. In a society where sex is seen or understood on terms of the binary, the hermaphrodite, trans sex, the other, the third sex, becomes an aberration. Homo sexual fluidity challenges the traditional heterosexual binaries. It’s interesting to note that Robert J Stoller uses the term ‘gender role’ and ‘gender identity’ in order to indicate ones inner and out life, wherein he contests that the gender role one plays need not necessarily talks about his gender bending. He

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