The Quarrelsomeness Of Man And How The Earth Was Peopled?

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Why suffering, tragedies, misery, and many other things that relate exists has always been a question that mankind has been attempting to explain for years. Different regions from around the globe all referred to this dark side as evil. It is seen that in the African myth, “The Quarrelsomeness of Man and How the Earth was Peopled” (PM 47) and the Near Eastern myth, “The Enuma Elish” (PM 91) that the existence of the female is the pure reason why earth consists of evil, as well as what a female is capable of that man is not. However, within these two myths, this process is executed differently. In “The Quarrelsomeness of Man and How the Earth was Peopled” (PM 47) a woman unintentionally allows evil to be summoned over mankind; while in “The Enuma Elish” (PM 91) where it is the female who makes the decision to create evil and command it over mankind. One of these myths opens the door for evil, while the other is the source of evil. It is also found that the significance of evil differs from each of the two myths, one affecting the world more than the other. The Africans believed that females mistakenly summoned evil. The story started when a woman that bothered everybody (“But there was a woman named Mbokomu who bothered everybody [PM 47],”) was sent down from the heavens to earth with her son and daughter and given the mission to create the human
She was afraid but the creature spoke so kindly to her that after a while they became friends. One day the sister took her husband’s razor and went out to look for the hairy man. When she found him she made him lie down and shaved him. Now he looked like a man. His name was Ebenga, meaning the beginner. Ebenga bewitched the woman, so that when her child was born it brought witchcraft into the world. The child grew up under the spell of Ebenga. He practiced witchcraft and brought evil and sorrow to men [PM

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