The Purpose Of Research Methodology: Research Methodology

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Research Methodology
This chapter shall specify the method of research used. It is composed of research design, research locale, selection of the study, research instrument, data gathering procedure and the analysis of the data.

Research Design
The purpose of the research design is to guarantee that the research problems will be answered clearly.

A phenomenological approach was used to deconstruct the interview data. Furthermore, the copies of the document feedback title were classified. Student notion of the feedback comprehend and providing a guidance, pinpoints what the teacher wants and contributes a significant work to elaborate their learning system. The analysis of the teachers was based on giving praise and correcting the miss impression of their student in the present task. (Paul Orsmond and …show more content…

The researchers gathered significant information. We took notes of the relevant and credible ideas of our co-researchers. Our chosen topic was "The Lonely Summer of 69 (Lived experiences of STEM students who failed in their subjects)” the gathered subject was used for the next cases.

1) Connecting the subject
The gathered subjects were listed after it was determined by our group. We formulated the interview records, gather information and also read it multiple times in order for us to divide the data into meaningful sections and parts. We determined connections and significance of the chosen subject by analyzing it and contributing relevant information.

2) Continuing the analysis with other cases
The transcript of every individual co-researcher was gathered and formulated case study. The approach that we made is phenomenological and other approaches. It was helpful in creating posterior analysis. We conducted with the use of IPA, and we are able to determine or integrate those sections that we’ve identified as having a similar focus or content and make sense of

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