The Purpose And Procedures Of Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA)

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The objective of this paper is to outline the purpose and procedures of Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) and to explain why the approach can yield its most useful insights when combined with mass data collection and selected methods from Corpus Linguistics (CL). I will do this with detailed reference to Koteyko, Jaspal and Nerlich’s (2013) examination of the UK Climategate controversy and its treatment in online reader comments to newspapers. I will begin by outlining the essential features of both CDA and CL, then examine how these were applied by Koteyko et al (2013) in a broad, corpus-based study to reveal a high level of consistency at least in commenters professed beliefs and consistent across broader contexts.
Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) has had a prominent place in and beyond linguistics for more than 20 years, growing out of critical language studies, a development of Halliday’s (1985) …show more content…

CL while first attempted in the 1960s, has only recently come into frequent use, largely due to the advent of word processing software, and more recently the plethora of data available on the internet. Mass sampling of data is statistically verifiable, at least demonstrating the extent of a phenomenon within a given population, while not necessarily ensuring the veracity of its interpretation as social

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