Psychoosexual Stages Of Homosexuality

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Homosexuality is very prominent in today’s society. In the 20th century and even before that, same-sex feelings and marriages were barely even heard of, since the majority of people were heterosexual and married the opposite sex. Even from a psychological view, it was considered a mental illness. Throughout the late 20th century into the 21st century, same-sex relationships became a huge topic. Finally, on June 26, 2015, same-sex marriage became legalized in all fifty states of America (CNN). Many people rejoiced as this marked a new beginning and new point in American history. But are there causes by which people become homosexual or bisexual? Some different theories/causes of homosexuality are looked at through the psychodynamic theory, the …show more content…

What this theory is saying is that the unconscious mind, like wishes or desires, effects our behavior. Part of this theory is the psychosexual stages of development. This describes the different stages a person goes through from baby to adult. During the ages of three and five, they go through the phallic stage, which everything has to do with the genitals and finding out the differences between sexes. There are times, however, that children get fixated in this stage and go through the phenomenon of either the Oedipal or Electra complex. These complexes occur when a male is attracted to their mom and a female is attracted to their dad. It can go as far as having sexual desires for their parents but in this case, that is not the reason. For example, if a boy has a strong connection with their mom and their father is either not in the picture, abusive, or not dominating, the boy will likely inherit his mom’s personality and traits and may become interested in being a girl. Eventually, they will think about liking the same sex and become homosexual and may lead to castration anxiety. The way a parent treats their child has nothing to do with their sexual

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