The Pros And Cons Of Vegetarianism

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Vegetarianism is a new type of diet that is quite common now in our society. A person’s choice to adopt the vegetarian diet is based on a wide combination of reasons and beliefs. Some people prefer the vegetarian diet over the all-meat diet because of their concern about how animals are treated, while others make the choice based on a few primary concerns, such as health, ethical, societal and environmental concerns. In order to satisfy their worries, people choose to go vegetarian. Furthermore, there are different approaches in vegetarianism, for example, Ovo-Lacto vegetarianism, Lacto-vegetarianism, and veganism. However, vegetarianism is the most known and the most common; this type is when there is no meat included in their diet (McCord, “Introduction to Vegetarianism: Why …show more content…

There are many components on how humans can destroy the environment. People pollute the atmosphere by burning fossil fuels, by running cars or any other form of transportation and by generating electricity for industries or factories, which can play a major influence in climate change. By going vegetarian people can reduce the impact of climate change and deforestation while saving water and other precious resources. In fact, raising animals for food produces more greenhouse gasses than any form of transportation. All animals need to be fed. This requires a massive amount of plants, grain, and water, that needs to be bought. In addition to this, the animals need to be killed, processed, transported and all of this releases an enormous amount of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. Additionally, most of all the animals are put into factory farms and produce large amounts of methane (Peta, “Fight Climate Change by Going Vegetarian”). Switching to a diet with no meat saves fifty percent more carbon emission. These carbon emissions are greatly impacting our planet and making climate change a bigger issue. If people

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