Flat Tax Essay

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In the United States, accumulation of material goods as well as wealth is very valued and individuals are highly aware of exactly how much money they earn. The system is transparent and democratic. However, there is an extreme difference between how much money someone earns in wages and other gains and how much they actually go home with. The difference between gross and net income originates in the system of taxation based on income earned. Since the income tax has existed, the income tax code has become increasingly more complex and difficult to understand. Businesses and individuals have suffered at the difficulties and costs of complying with the income tax. There are many other ways a government can collect taxes, the income based tax …show more content…

Dick Armey, a former US Representative from Texas proposed a new taxation plan which he believes will eradicate the pain of the people. The plan is the flat tax. The flat tax will replace the current tax code with a single income tax that treats all Americans equally. All income will be taxed only once and at one rate regardless your revenue. According to Armey the Flat tax will help reduce the paperwork nightmare to a mere one page form. This seems fair and easy enough to digest, but when compared to the Fair Tax there are some notable differences. The flat tax is still a kind of income tax, while the Fair Tax is a tax on consumption. There are far more consumers than wage earners in America. Taxing each consumer will result in more revenue for the US than taxing only the wage earner. Another advantage of the Fair Tax is that only the consumption of new goods and services is subject to being taxed and the consumer has a choice of whether to spend the money on new product or not. Under the flat tax the government is taxing only those who legitimately earn a wage, and therefore does not tax those who are here illegally, or who work for cash to avoid paying

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