The Pros And Cons Of The Honey Bee

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Bees and specifically the loss of bees and foliage have been all over the media in recent months. Modern beekeeping ways are not sustainable at the current rates and so beekeepers must start working towards a more natural and organic type of keeping bees.
It’s time beekeepers look back into history and then current unsustainable use of chemicals and pesticides and see what brought us to where we are today and how we can fix these problems. Some of the many issues currently affecting the honey bee include chemicals, pesticides, mites, frame cell size, essential oils, drugs, inbreeding, and artificial feeding.
While arguments are out there that disagree, recent trend in honey bee die offs has shown otherwise. To strengthen our pollinators, …show more content…

Two major co-operations that fall in to this category are
Bayer and Monsanto as well as others. At this time these companies have started to target our pollinators especially to attempt to genetically modify the honey bee. With doing this

these companies look to breed a honey bee that is genetically modified to with stand the chemicals and other GMO’s that have been injected into agriculture. Though current research is still running tests companies like Monsanto suggest their products are not affecting our pollinators and in turn disrupting our food supply. One could possible agree with this because we don’t currently have any long term proof or stats on the use of chemicals and pesticides in our food and plants. At this time there are many different
Pesticides and chemicals being used in our corn and bean fields as well as other foods being farmed. Some of these chemicals being used are; glyphosate herbicide or roundup and also a chemical called Agent Orange or 2,4d Herbicide which is basically what the United States used during the Vietnam War. These chemicals are used for herbicide tolerance and …show more content…

At the same time certain childhood health issues such as allergies and autism seem to be creeping up in numbers. Some say this is a reason to stay away from genetically modified foods and go for a more organic natural diet. This leads to our honey bees and other pollinators, researchers have first suggested cell phones as the major culprit in honey bee die offs. This is proven false and as more research has been conducted we are looking at multiple issues. Among these is colony collapse disorder which is basically bees completely disappearing from a hive or the finding of all bees dead in and around the hive. With the current need for more and more pollination of places like California almond fields we need more bees. From this type of pollination we have developed large scale commercial beekeeping. So with many beekeepers having to send their bees to these large pollination zones we are allowing bees to be covered in pesticides and the bringing back of pollen from flowers or plants that have been sprayed are being connected to issues such as colony collapse. The other major issue being studied is the massive change in genetics of the

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