The Pros And Cons Of Teacher Evaluation

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One last misconception about teachers is the broadest that will be discussed, that is the misconception that teachers complain too much. Often society hears of teachers complaining about pay, rather that be pay in general, or having to do with merit pay; teachers also often complain about the hours they are work, hours most people don’t even see. Teacher evaluations is another hot topic, along with teacher accountability, and a punishment reward system they may face. Lastly, there are complaints having to do with the school curriculum and governmental standards. Society claims educators have enough support in these areas so they should just accept things for the way they are or they can find another profession. There is no denying these topics are recurring complaints real teachers do have. What can be questioned and analyzed more closely is they why teachers complain. If society were to take a closer look they would see that teachers are not complaining too much about the issues they face, they are not being heard.
Merit pay, accountability, and evaluations are three topics that are closely linked to teachers. For many years’ society, has seen struggling students and often decide to place …show more content…

On page 76 of the book, David Swing wrote in the Educational Review about his criticism of teacher evaluation. This seems to be an ongoing debate that has occurred for many years, but they often cause more harm than they do good, especially when not done right. In many ways teacher evaluations are used to punish teachers and point out their flaws; it is for this reason that there is often tension for teachers when thinking about evaluations that then directly affects their instruction to students. When evaluations are constructive to help, teachers improve, evaluations can be quite positive. The complaint comes in when the evaluations are used against

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