The Pros And Cons Of Tattoos And Piercings

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In the United States around 40% of millennials (ages 18-29) have at least one tattoo, while about 25% have piercings in places other than their ears. Through time people have been proceeding with body modifications because of cultural, or religious rituals. Now, it is seen as a normal coming of age experience that the younger generations have accepted. Therefore, the modern age has begun to grow more willing to show proudly their body modifications in public and employment settings. Tattoos and piercings should be accepted in a professional setting, lifting the restrictions of employment based off of appearance. (Negley 1) In employment opportunities people should be criticized not by how they look, but their skills for the job they are applying …show more content…

This is because our society has certain standards, and ideas of what a professional should look like, so many employers will force a person to cover their tattoos or take out certain piercings that do not fit society’s professional norms. By covering up ones tattoos, and still producing a great work ethic at the job shows that tattoos do not affect the person, or personality. So, showing a tattoo should not affect what the employer thinks of a present, or future employee. Someone that covers their tattoos is more likely to get a job rather than someone that freely exposes them. Our society has many brilliant minds that are capable of doing great things if the business world would lift the strict stereotype of what a professional should look like. (Williams, Thomas, Christensen …show more content…

“According to 2010 survey Millennials are the most tattooed generation followed by Generation X” (Negley 1). As Generation X takes over leading roles in our work places, they are allowing new ideas, and different views of social norms to take place. Implementing new social norms for tattoos and piercings will allow the following generations to have the freedom to express themselves freely without being held down by conditions of their employment. “Research reported that in 2009 our nation showed a prevalence rating of 35% for people between the ages of twenties and thirties” (Williams, Thomas, and Christensen 1). This alone shows that our society is changing, and becoming more accepting towards people that receive body modifications. Our country has begun to rethink common standards of professional appearances, specifically to respect the employees that may have tattoos that are

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