The Pros And Cons Of Strategic Alliances

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Companies setting up operations in India are considered strategic alliances. Two key components of the alliances are accountability and visibility. Accountability goes beyond the scope of responsibility it determines who is functionally and/or morally responsible for each action the business makes. Visibility is the outcome or synergy each partner gains from the alliance collective effort being greater than those from individual efforts. Understanding the advantages and disadvantages of the partnership is critical to the success of a strategic alliance and the business. Joint Venture With An Indian Partner Advantages of joint ventures include, marketing and distribution channels are already established, availability to financial avenues, and partners relationship with local businesses and the community. All companies incorporated in India are considered to be a domestic company for the purposes of income tax. “A company is considered to be resident in India if it is incorporated in India, or if during any fiscal year (1 April to 31 March), the control and management of its affairs is situated wholly in India” (Kotak, 2012) . Treaties between the United States and India allows parties to avoid double taxation. The potential for conflicts and …show more content…

Although the English language is spoken partners must be able to communicate effectively ensuring messages are conveyed correctly. For example, management styles differ in India and the United States most companies in the United States encourage teamwork and employee input is seen as a positive initiative whereas “Indian companies tend to be much more hierarchical than Western firms, with leaders expecting to micro-manage their staff, who are often discouraged from showing initiative ” (Tapper, 2014, a). In addition, partnership principals and practices may differ in management by regions within

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